Meet Diana Guerrero

My name is Diana Guerrero and I am a graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene from the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. To begin with, I chose dentistry as my profession because I grew up with family members who were either dentists and/or orthodontists. My interest for this career grew at a young age due to the environment and the satisfaction that came with it. It brings me joy to be able to help individuals practice good oral hygiene and making sure that they also have the cleanest, brightest smiles. My main goal is to demonstrate to my patients the importance of having good oral health and provide them with the best dental care that they can receive. I was born in the US, but my parents are originally from Mexico and they migrated to the US to give my two siblings and I an opportunity to a better life and to have a better education. I am appreciative of the chance that I was given to obtain a career, which I value greatly and love.